Sunday, January 27, 2008

Nikon Professional

Manong Noe of Cebu City uses a Nikon DSLR when he plies his trade as a hunter at the Basilica Minore de Santo Niño grounds:

1 comment:

Michael Peligro said...

Manong Noe is surely blessed by the Santo Niño because he has a DSLR.

I pity the others. I still find old, poor, photographers lugging antique, rusty, hand-me-down, second-hand film cameras, primarily because they cannot afford to buy new equipment. It's more lamentable when they have children to feed, and photography is their sole source of income.

I wonder if these photographers are gonna be around in the future. Almost everyone has a point-and-shoot or a cameraphone nowadays. And there are booths that prints digital pictures at a very minimal cost. The market is probably drying up for them.