Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pit Senyor!

Just got back from a swashbuckling, hip-swaying, pochero-eating, Colt 45-guzzling Sinulog coverage:

Street dancing along Gen. Maxilom avenue:

The celebrant and some of his guests:

The Sinulog competition at the grandstand, where 20+ troupes vie for the Sinulog 2008 trophy:

Conquistadors and an angel take a break between performances:

Dancers from hall-of-famer group the San Diego Dance Company prepare for the Sinulog grand parade:

an onstage performance by one of the contestants for the 2008 Ms. Sinulog pageant:

... and many thanks to Odik and Syo - you guys rock!

1 comment:

Photowalker said...

Nice shots. Especially the Street Dancing picture.